Page 6. July 19 & 20, 2008. 2 days of Jeeps, Jeep action, Jeep stuff, and well, more Jeeps! We have said this before but every year the PA Jeeps club puts on an all breeds Jeep show at the York County Fairgrounds in York, PA and this year is no exception. Also, every year the show grows and grows. Last year the show was bigger than ever and this year was no exception.
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There is nothing better than some artery clogging fair food prepared and served from a trailer. There were some Pennsylvania Dutch favorites like funnel cake and sausage sandwiches. Also on the menu was fried chicken strips, French fries, pizza and burgers. To help cool everyone off there were frozen treats like water ice, snow cones, and ice cream.
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more pictures from around the show
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Show Favorites
This year we are breaking down the show into the following sections. Click a section to go directly to it.
Start Page
Swap Meet
Obstacle Course and RTI Ramp
Show Favorites
Cool Close-Ups and Strange Stuff
General Show Pictures
Each of the sections will contain pictures from around the show.