Question: Hello, I have a CJ 7 ´84 and I lifted 1 1/4″ of the body. I´m installing the clutch and the steering shaft, but I found some problems… they don´t fit in the original positions.
What do you recommend for installing these parts? Fredy

Answer: Body lift always open a can of worms. Many things on a Jeep attach to the body and frame, lifting the body will usually cause more problems than you think. To address the clutch you may need to fabricate a bracket to move the clutch shaft down to make it level. And if the steering shaft is now too short a Flaming River Steering Shaft would help since they need to be cut to size. By the time you fixed all the issues and purchased some new components a spring lift would have been the better way to go.
To avoid problems like this.. you should double check the size of the original positions so that you can check the size of the lift to purchase. You should also choose properly where to buy. There are stores that offers body lifts by size