2020 is was set to be a big year at the Bantam Jeep Heritage Festival in Butler, PA. 2020 marks marked the 10 year anniversary of the festival and this year would have brought brings some extras for everyone.
At this point the date of the festival is set for June 10-12, 2020 but thanks to the pandemic the date lies in a watch and see state. According to a statement from Bantam they will make a decision by May 13, 2020 as to whether the festival will go on as planned or will be rescheduled for October 2-4, 2020.
The festival was set for June 10-12, 2020 but unfortunately needed to be canceled for this year. The festival will pick back up in 2021 and the 10th Anniversary will be celebrated then! Stay safe everyone!
Keep up your social distancing and stay home so that we can get past this situation and get back to what we all love.

Check out some previous years of the festival on our Events page.