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Hearing Protection

Like most safety equipment ear protection is as important as the next.  Loud noise, even sort term can have detrimental effects on your hearing ability.  Statistics say that 1 in 10 people suffer hearing loss that affects their ability to understand speech.  The damage caused by noise, called sensorineural hearing loss or nerve deafness, can be caused by several factors other than noise, but noise-induced hearing loss is different in one important way, it can be reduced or prevented altogether.

Our ears do not become tougher to loud noises after prolonged exposure, if you think you have grown used to loud noises it usually means some damage has occurred.

Sound intensity is measured in decibels (dB).  Decibels are measured logarithmically. This means that as decibel intensity increases by units of 10, each increase is 10 times the lower figure. Thus, 20 decibels is 10 times the intensity of 10 decibels, and 30 decibels is 100 times as intense as 10 decibels.

Approx. Decibel Level with examples:
0 -
Faintest sound heard by human ear.
30 - Whisper, quiet library.
60 - Normal conversation, sewing machine, typewriter.
90 - Lawnmower, shop tools, truck traffic; 8 hours per day is the maximum exposure to protect 90% of people.
100 - Chainsaw, pneumatic drill, snowmobile; 2 hours per day is the maximum exposure without protection.
115 - Sandblasting, loud rock concert, auto horn; 15 minutes per day is the maximum exposure without protection.
140 - Gun muzzle blast, jet engine; noise causes pain and even brief exposure injures unprotected ears. Maximum allowed noise with hearing protectors.

Types of hearing protection

Expandable foam plugs
These plugs are made of a formable material designed to expand and conform to the shape of each person's ear canal. Roll the expandable plugs into a thin, crease-free cylinder. Whether you roll plugs with thumb and fingers or across your palm doesn't matter. What's critical is the final result—a smooth tube thin enough so that about half the length will fit easily into your ear canal. Some individuals, especially women with small ear canals, have difficulty rolling typical plugs small enough to make them fit. A few manufacturers now offer a small size expandable plug.

Pre-molded, reusable plugs
Pre-molded plugs are made from silicone, plastic or rubber and are manufactured as either “one-size-fits-most” or are available in several sizes. Many pre-molded plugs are available in sizes for small, medium or large ear canals.

Earmuffs come in many models designed to fit most people. They work to block out noise by completely covering the outer ear. Muffs can be "low profile" with small ear cups or large to hold extra materials for use in extreme noise. Some muffs also include electronic components to help users communicate or to block impulsive noises.

Sound Canceling
Sound canceling earmuffs use electronics to muffle noise and allow speech to pass.  These types allow for conversation in very noisy areas.


Choose hearing protection capable of handling 100 dB, the packaging will usually indicate sound reduction.  A pair of quality ear muffs and a pack of disposable expandable foam plugs should cover most situations.

Popular Hearing Protection Products Manufacturers and Resellers
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source: NIOSH


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